News & Views
My my, how a month flies!

I knew it had been a while since I'd got anything written on this ole blog, but could scarcely believe it when I saw it was a month (the posting dates don't lie after all!).nnSo a quick apology for the break in service - all with good reason though as we're currently very busy Beta testing our proprietary SaaS (Software as a Service) platform HARBOUR (TM) and it's Applicant Tracking & Content Management Systems (ATS & CMS) products. It's all getting very exciting as we have a presentation booked in for the 29th April to launch this to the Recruitment Advertising Agency world (well - those in London anyway) as I think our new approach has something for them to offer clients and I certainly value their input. Quite a daunting crowd for me, but we're full to capacity for the event and I have a couple of other meetings arranged with people who can't make the 29th but are interested in finding out more - so now it's about getting on with it and doing our work as much justice as possible.nnSo please bear with - I've got a number of blogs I'm itching to get down and some full replies to some other people's thoughts , so hopefully normal service (whetever that may be) will be resumed soon enough - if not before then definitely to start next month and let you know about HARBOUR and how the launch was recieved.nnTake care.

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