News & Views
It's why we do it

It's been a tough couple of weeks (hence the recent silence on here and other social media avenues) whilst we've been ridiculously busy turning around a brace of significant requirements with near impossible timings. Not that I'm in anyway complaining because, especially in these times, we know all too well you have to seize every opportunity that comes your way - & we're just a hairs breadth away from pulling off something I think will have been massively impressive by anyone's standards, giving us some great names to add to our portfolio too.

But amongst it all - whilst trying to keep new business plates spinning and a couple of other nearly completed negotiations progressing too - an email popped in from Claire at Sculptured Sweetness (read about the project here ).

Let's be straight - this was project for a friend, but when you get a testimonial sent back like this, whoever it's from, it makes you remember why you do what you do. It's what we started the company to do - taking pride in a job well done, no matter how modest or how sophisticated. And with top listing in Google and a nice professional site with an easy to administer CMS, I think even at our most modest we'd say we're happy with that!

"3D Marcomms listened carefully to my business plan and were very effective in helping build a website that catered for my fledgling company's needs perfectly. From the start to our current position, 3DMC explained everything clearly without using jargon and ensured that I knew how to manage my website on a daily basis. 3DMC are always at the end of an email should I have any questions and requests and have always been very helpful.

I find the Harbour CMS very easy to use and very clear, enabling me to keep my website fresh and up to date.  I am thrilled with the design of my website and how much traffic it has generated. The website has played a major part in getting my business off the ground and presenting my business to prospective customers. It has achieved results in a very short space of time.  It looks professional and works quickly and smoothly for my customers which in turn promotes a professional appearance for my business.  I am happy to recommend to anyone thinking of using 3D Marcomms that by trusting Alex and his team, you will get the results that you are after as they certainly do not disappoint."


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